ESF faculty and students may obtain access to more robust computing resources as needed for research purposes. ESF has a limited on-premise workstations and a shared pool of virtual machine space that can be provisioned as needed for a scheduled period of time. SU compute resources can also be made accessible after a conversation concering need and usage restrictions. Please see below for further details.

ESF Infrastructure

  • Research Virtual Computers
    • Windows or Linux
    • More oomph than standard workstations
    • Shared pool of resources
  • Expanded Storage on local Network (not just one kind)
  • General support for network connectivity, software installation, and remote access
  • Workstation access: Geospatial Lab in Marshall Hall
    • Contact Ellen White or Jean Yang in LA for access

Research group leaders/PIs can request access via The request should include the following information: 

  • The names (e.g. FQDN or Computer/Device name) of the workstation that needs to be accessed
  • Hardware/Software needs of research
  • ESF Email addresses of people who need access to the named systems
  • The location of the systems (building, room, position within the rooms
  • Telephone number where the requester can be reached for questions
  • Time frame for the request. Open ended requests cannot be accommodated

Syracuse University Infrastructure (

  • Multiple clusters: OrangeGrid HTC, Zest HPC, SUrge GPU cluster
    • Requires an active SU Net ID (@syr credentials)
    • Resources are Linux-based systems
    • All clusters perform by script submission, no direct console access to run scripts
  • Support for access, software installation/access, submission scripting
  • Currently no charge back to researchers (ESF or SU)

​​​​​​​Please make all requests made to CNS that cannot be met locally will be passed on to SU ITS at to setup a meeting to discuss resources. Researchers using SU research computing resources should copy on any follow-up communications with SU.