ESF faculty and students may obtain access to more robust computing resources as needed for research purposes. ESF has a limited on-premise workstations and a shared pool of virtual machine space that can be provisioned as needed for a scheduled period of time. SU compute resources can also be made accessible after a conversation concering need and usage restrictions. Please see below for further details.
ESF Infrastructure
- Research Virtual Computers
- Windows or Linux
- More oomph than standard workstations
- Shared pool of resources
- Expanded Storage on local Network (not just one kind)
- General support for network connectivity, software installation, and remote access
- Workstation access: Geospatial Lab in Marshall Hall
- Contact Ellen White or Jean Yang in LA for access
Research group leaders/PIs can request access via The request should include the following information:
- The names (e.g. FQDN or Computer/Device name) of the workstation that needs to be accessed
- Hardware/Software needs of research
- ESF Email addresses of people who need access to the named systems
- The location of the systems (building, room, position within the rooms
- Telephone number where the requester can be reached for questions
- Time frame for the request. Open ended requests cannot be accommodated
Syracuse University Infrastructure (
- Multiple clusters: OrangeGrid HTC, Zest HPC, SUrge GPU cluster
- Requires an active SU Net ID (@syr credentials)
- Resources are Linux-based systems
- All clusters perform by script submission, no direct console access to run scripts
- Support for access, software installation/access, submission scripting
- Currently no charge back to researchers (ESF or SU)
Please make all requests made to CNS that cannot be met locally will be passed on to SU ITS at to setup a meeting to discuss resources. Researchers using SU research computing resources should copy on any follow-up communications with SU.