ESFiD setup and management for Faculty and Staff
This process helps you set up your ESFiD for first use which will provide you access to ESF resources. Access to campus digital resources is a privilege granted campus-affiliated persons as guided by our Electronic Mail System Usage and Use of ESF Computing and Network Resources policies. In brief, please do not misuse campus resources or distribute access to non-ESF affiliated persons. Please note: IT at ESF will never ask you for your password in an email, nor will we threaten to disable your account for any reason - please ignore any email stating such.
Note: For new employees, please note that these credentials are distinct from your Syracuse University NetID credentials, which can be activated and managed at and are used to access SU's Blackboard LMS and other Syracuse University Systems.
ESFiD Setup process:
Step 1: Enroll in Duo
Enroll in DUO multi-factor authentication using the steps at
Step 2: Set a new password
Once enrolled in DUO, please set a permanent password by logging into the Microsoft portal at using your email address and temporary password. ESFiD password requirements are as follows:
- Passwords must be at least 14 characters long (a combination of letters, number and symbols). Remember that longer passwords are more secure.
- Consider using a longer phrase to improve security and help you remember. Example: "Oakie is our 2018 mascot."
- Passwords must contain items from each from the following 4 categories:
- Special character (e.g. #,$,%,^, etc.) Note: please resist using the @, &, /, \, or = symbols in your password.
- Capital letter (A,B,C, D, etc.)
- Lower-case letter (a,b,c,d, etc.)
- Numeric character (1,2,3,4, etc.)
- Passwords cannot contain commonly used words such as ESF, SUNY, or Syracuse
Step 3: Set and confirm your Self-Service Password Recovery Portal options.
You need to complete 2 of the 3 password recovery methods presented and then confirm your settings to finish the process.
That's it! You can now access Office 365 and other campus resources as well as change your ESFiD password, or unlock your account, at any time from anywhere on any device (from the links below).
Forgot your ESFiD password? Need to Change/Recover your password?
ESFiD password change/recovery:
After setup, you can use the following to change your ESFiD password or unlock your account or simply go to and click the "Forgot password" link:
====> I Do NOT know my ESFiD password and need to change it <====
====> I know my ESFiD password and I just want to change it <====
NOTE: Setting or resetting your password in the cloud affects all uses of the ESFiD. If you change your password, you will need to update it everywhere you use your ESFiD (e.g. on email account setup on phones/tablets and campus wireless connection profiles).
ESFiD account/Office365 Profile management:
Click the link below, sign in, and then click your name in the upper right-hand corner of the window.
====> Manage your ESFiD account settings <====
====> Change your password recovery options <====